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bring up: meaning and explanation

The phrasal verb to bring someone up means to take care of or look after a child until they become an adult. To raise a child.

We can use this phrasal verb to explain who brought someone up (e.g. I was brought up by my grandparents), where they were brought up (e.g. I was brought up in Scotland but I moved to London when I was 17), or how they were brought up (e.g. I was brought up to be polite….I was brought up in a traditional way).

We often use this phrasal verb in the passive (to be brought up) because we want to focus on the child who is brought up (the object of the action) rather than the people who bring them up (the agent of the action). For example, I was brought up by my grandparents would normally be more natural than My grandparents brought me up.

Sometimes, we don’t even need to include the agent, e.g. I was brought up in a small villageI was brought up to be independent. In these examples, we want to focus on where or how we were brought up, not on who brought us up.

We can also use this phrasal verb as a noun: upbringing. This is used to talk about the way you were raised, e.g. I had a very religious upbringing.

Have a go at these micro-dictation exercises to hear this expression being used in context – how much can you understand?

Listening exercises

Dictation #1

Accent: England (RP)

I in a quiet Oxford.
I brought in a quiet town outside Oxford.

Dictation #2

Accent: North America

John .
John by aunt parents young.
John brought up by aunt as his parents when he young.

About the sentence

…as his parents died when he was young...

As can be used as an alternative to because, e.g. I decided not to go for a run as it was raining.

Dictation #3

Accent: Ireland

. o'clock .
I very . I was to go my friends an 8 o'clock curfew.
I a very strict . I was hardly allowed to go with my friends I had an 8 o'clock curfew.

About the sentence

…I was hardly ever allowed to go out

Hardly ever is a useful way of talking about frequency, and has the meaning almost never. e.g. I hardly ever go to the gym these days – I’m too lazy.

Extra practice

Here are some questions/links to help you learn the new vocabulary:

  • What values or principles do you think are most important to bring up children with? How do these values shape their development and future behavior?
  • How did your parents or guardians bring you up? What specific methods or practices did they use that you found effective or memorable? Looking back, how do you feel about your upbringing?
  • What challenges do parents face today when bringing up children that might not have been an issue in previous generations? How can they address these challenges?
  • How do cultural differences influence the way children are brought up around the world? Can you provide examples of unique practices from different cultures that you find interesting or effective?

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