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go to your head: meaning and explanation

If something goes to your head, it means that something makes you become arrogant or over-confident.

This expression is often used as a warning - someone has been successful in something, and you are warning them not to become overconfident. e.g. I don't want to give him too much praise during the appraisal as I'm worried about it going to his head. 

Have a go at these micro-dictation exercises to hear this expression being used in context – how much can you understand?

Listening exercises

Dictation #1

Accent: North America

, .
Well passing , you mustn't go to .

About the sentence

Well done for passing the exam, but don't let it go to your head

Notice the verb pattern to let somebody do something. e.g. Let Sarah have a go - you've been playing with it for hours.

A common mistake is to use the structure to let sb/sth to do sth

Dictation #2

Accent: Ireland

Dictation #3

Accent: England (RP)


Extra practice

Here are some questions/links to help you learn the new vocabulary:

  • Have you ever let a particular success go to your head? What happened?
  • Do you know anyone who changed after becoming successful?

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