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grey area: meaning and explanation

A grey area is something that is unclear or not well defined. If something is a grey area, then it may be unclear how you should deal with it, what course of action is best, or who should be responsible.

For example, a legal grey area would be a situation in which it is not clear whether something is legal or illegal. This could be the result of social, cultural or technological changes which happen faster than the legal system can develop. Grey areas exist until laws are updated or clarified.

Have a go at these micro-dictation exercises to hear this expression being used in context – how much can you understand?

Listening exercises

Dictation #1

Accent: North America

, .
With of technology, frequently .
With the development of technology, businesses more frequently legal grey .

Dictation #2

Accent: Ireland

Dictation #3

Accent: Australia


Extra practice

Here are some questions/links to help you learn the new vocabulary:

  • Can you remember a time when you had to deal with a moral or legal grey area? How did you navigate it?
  • What challenges might individuals or organizations face when operating in areas with unclear rules?

Photo by Nicolai Fedderholdt on Unsplash

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